1. An informative letter is sent to the bankrupt regarding the intention of paying dividend (ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΠΤΩΧΕΥΣΑΝΤΑ).
2. A dividend folder is created in which all relevant documents and letters are filed.
3. A creditors list is prepared which includes creditors referred in the Statement of Affairs, creditors who verified their debts and creditors that acknowledged by the trustee.
4. The trustee must check if there are any preferential creditors, who are defined in article 38 of the Bankruptcy Law Chapter 5 and are the following:
All Government taxes and duties, council charges due from the bankrupt at the date of the Receivership/Bankruptcy Order and which became due and payable within the twelve months immediately preceding the date of the Receivership Order (eg income tax, .P.A.).
- Any amount of wages of an employee in proportion to his employment by the bankrupt during the eighteen weeks immediately preceding the issue of the Receivership Order.
- Any amount of compensation which the bankrupt is obliged to pay to the employee due to bodily injury which the employee suffered as a result of an accident caused by his employment.
- Any amount due to the employee for the leave to which he is entitled from his employment by the bankrupt for a period of employment of a single year.
- All rents accrued and due to the landlord during the four months immediately preceding the date of the Receivership Order.
- PAYE debts, i.e. deductions made for Income Tax from employees’ wages and must be paid by the employer – based on the Income Tax Act 4/78 (section 45).
- The debts to the Social Insurance Fund – based on the Social Insurance Law 41/80.
- Provident Fund – based on the Provident Fund Law 44/81.